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The Complete Beginners Guide to Microdosing

The Complete Beginners Guide to Microdosing

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What is microdosing?

Microdosing refers to the practice of using small amounts of psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, DMT) to treat pre-existing conditions (like depression or anxiety). The idea is not to get high but to achieve a better equilibrium. Microdosing is a term that refers to using small doses of psychedelics, usually less than or around one tenth of a normal dose.

How much is a normal dose of mushrooms/LSD, and how much is a microdose of mushrooms/LSD?

Research shows that people tend to feel the effects of psilocybin mushrooms between 10 and 60 minutes after ingestion. The peak typically comes around 60–90 min after ingestion of anywhere between 4–10 mg (an estimated 50–300 micrograms per kilogram (µg/kg) of body weight), and then begins to wear off about 6 hours post-ingestion. Psilocybin content of Psilocybe mushrooms can be roughly 0.5 – 1.0% total psilocin, averaging around 0.7% by weight; 0.7% total psilocin equates to about 1% psilocybin. Therefore, three grams of mushrooms should contain around 30 micrograms of psilocybin. Some people are choosing to microdose as a way to take charge of their productivity and state of mind. In this guide, we'll talk about microdosing with psychedelics substances people are using to purportedly enhance cognitive abilities.

Why do people microdose and is it good for you?

While some people still look to microdosing to help improve their professional efficiency, there are said to be a number of other benefits as well.

Some of the most common benefits include:

  • better focus
  • higher levels of creativity
  • depression and anxiety relief
  • more energy
  • reduced social anxiety

If you're interested in microdosing for the benefits to your daily life, you're not alone. Microdosing has become a popular way to improve productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. Though the scientific evidence is still being gathered, many people microdose different drugs for different reasons and report positive results.  Though it's important to note that microdosing can have side effects and should not be undertaken lightly, if done correctly it may have lasting benefits for your mental health and daily productivity. People microdose for different reasons. Some people microdose LSD or "magic mushrooms" for the philosophical benefits - they report feeling more creative and productive, and less depressed. Others microdose for more practical reasons, such as improving their focus at work or managing pain from conditions like fibromyalgia. Though the scientific evidence is still being gathered, many people microdose different drugs for different reasons and report positive results.

Steps to microdosing

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  1. Obtain a microdosing substance - This can be done through certain shops or online.
  2. Take the first microdose on an empty stomach - This should be done in the morning on a day with no major obligations or children present.
  3. Pay attention to the effects of the microdose - Observe whether it meets your goals, and how long it takes to kick in.
  4. Keep a log of the day - Record any differences or similarities in how your day went in comparison to a regular day.
  5. Adjust the dose (if necessary) - If the first microdose did not produce the desired results, assess whether or not you should incrementally increase or decrease the dose.
  6. Continue using microdoses for up to 10 weeks - Following the "one day on, two days off" principle to avoid building up a tolerance.

The negative side of microdosing

Microdosing can have negative side effects, especially if the person is not careful. These can include unintended tripping, as well as chase a "feeling." Microdosing should be done with caution, and it is not recommended for people who have children in their care, those on the autism spectrum, or those who have experienced trauma. In general, microdosing should only be done if the person feels generally well.

Unintended "bad tripping"

Microdosing can have a range of unintended negative effects, including unintentional tripping and increased anxiety. It is important to microdose responsibly and only if you feel mentally and emotionally healthy. If you are experiencing any negative side effects, it is best to stop microdosing immediately. If you are having a bad trip, the Zendo Project recommends finding a safe space, sitting with the person, and allowing them to guide their own experience.


Though microdosing has yet to be fully studied, the reported benefits have sparked interest in many people; people like us at Psilly. For each of us, 'shrooms and psilocybin have had profound effects on our mental health and overall mood, which we translated to some luxuriously comfy threads that absolutely vibe. Check them out, and let us know how many people love 'em!